10 Foods That Kill Teeth Whitening
May. 11, 2022
Surveys show that whiter teeth can make people look more attractive, not only five years younger, but also give people a good impression of being wealthy and highly educated. Because of this, people with white teeth have an advantage on first dates and job interviews. However, if you eat the wrong food, you will miss out on these benefits of your teeth and lose points for your image!
Berries are juicy and nutritious, but their thick pigment can leave a thin film stain on your tooth enamel.
Beetroot (sugar radish)
Beet juice gets on clothes and can be hard to wash off, and it can stain your teeth as well. After eating beets, brush your teeth immediately to thoroughly remove any stains that may remain.
Who would have thought that biscuits are also the invisible killer of white teeth? Many cookies are made from refined carbohydrates, which enter the body and turn into sugar, a breeding ground for tooth-staining bacteria.
Balsamic Vinegar (vinegar)
Balsamic vinegar is dark in color and full of acid, which is a threat to teeth from the inside out. Solution: Mix balsamic vinegar into a salad dressing and pour it over the lettuce. With the blocking effect of the lettuce, the balsamic vinegar will not stain your teeth.
Pickled Sauerkraut (Kimchi)
Pickled vegetables like gherkins have a pleasant acid, but after all, the acid will attack the enamel and cause it to decalcify, making the teeth more prone to staining.
Coffee and Tea
Tooth stains can accelerate tooth discoloration, and coffee and tea pigments can also change the appearance of teeth. Whether you love cappuccino or tea, if you drink a lot, there is a high chance of your teeth discoloring.
Tomatoes are highly acidic and brightly colored, so ketchup can also erode tooth enamel. The solution can only be: proper intake of this food.
Acidic Food
Acidic foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes can erode the enamel and cause pigmentation.
Wine, Alcoholic Beverages
Not only can red wine cause tooth stains, white wine and other alcohol can also contain acids that can erode enamel.
Sweets and Acidic Beverages
Sticky desserts or dried fruit can easily remain on the teeth, causing tooth decay. Sugar and acidic drinks are prone to tooth decay.
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